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Running and Overtraining

Is it possible to overtrain? Yes. Running and overtraining go hand in hand. Overtraining occurs when you do not allow the body a chance to recover; overtraining is especially common in runners.

Overtraining is a much more common issue than many might think. Yes, many runners experience overtraining, but it affects many other people as well. Understand that it is during the recovery stage that our body heals, becomes stronger, and becomes more resilient. We break our bodies down during training to repair them and come back stronger. Running and overtraining is a common issue among runners in all stages of the game.

It just so happens that runners commonly fall into the habit of overtraining. 

One of the largest issues we see is running and overtraining for long periods at a moderate intensity. Moderate-intensity training day after day is not only taxing on the body, but it places us in a steady state of fight or flight. 

This is the system that is meant to protect us during episodes of intense stress. It turns on when we speak in front of a large group, think about paying taxes, meet a cute girl, run from a bear, etc. This system prepares the body to fight or run away, and it does not allow for much else. 

The fight or flight system is meant to be short-lived and we do not recover during that time. If you are constantly in a stressed state either physically or mentally, the immune system takes a hit, our muscles do not repair, our bones do not rebuild, and we can start to experience chronic fatigue.

What can you do to prevent overtraining?

Take time off!

Elite endurance athletes may take days and weeks off after an event. Sure, it is possible that they lose some very moderate fitness during this time, but they start with a higher baseline of tolerance for training once it resumes. By starting at a higher baseline, you can improve your peak performance level. 

See below how you can learn about Building a Resilient Runner with our complete online series!

P.S. – Check out our other blog posts here!

Ryan and Niraj Running


As coaches and physical therapists, we are lucky to approach running differently than most professionals that work with runners.  If you are interested in how to make a better training plan, the how’s and why’s of strength training, and how to fuel yourself for success, this 5 lesson online course is for you!  

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