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Workouts for runners knee

When you think of runner’s knee, what comes to mind? Is it a general global ache? Or more of a lateral pain from IT band? Let’s go over some workouts for runners knee and how we can reduce the pain.

Runners knee is going to be that global type of pain that fails the 1 finger test. Basically it hurts all around. You can’t take your finger and point at it.

Runners knee – is the leading cause of anterior knee pain in runners. It typically happens with improper mechanical control of one’s gait pattern or over-training. 

Have you had an increase in volume or intensity? When did your symptoms start? Is there a correlation there? 

You may have heard for years that your knees should not go over your toes with exercise. However, when you’re out there running, you may have this happen and should be strong enough to tolerate it.

That’s where PT can come in.

When you come to the clinic, we start training in a protected environment. The reason for this is so that the tissue stresses and adapts to the demands of running. It probably won’t be easy, but it is a process that we build too! That way, if it happens when you’re out on a run, your body isn’t in shock because it’s not the first time the tissue has been stressed in that range.

When it comes to workouts for runner’s knee, we like to suggest starting simple – forward step-ups, bridges, and lateral leg lifts. 

That being said, if the pain impacts your runs to the point where you can’t jog or even get out of a chair, it will be different than someone whose pain comes and goes.

But for general patellofemoral pain, we focus on strength for the lateral hip muscles, quadriceps, and coordination of the muscle groups that runners emphasize.

P.S. – Check out our other blog posts here!

Ryan and Niraj Running


As coaches and physical therapists, we are lucky to approach running differently than most professionals that work with runners.  If you are interested in how to make a better training plan, the how’s and why’s of strength training, and how to fuel yourself for success, this 5 lesson online course is for you!  

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